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Dear CONnie,

I have heard that Dragon Con has a large attendance base, but how large is it? I have heard the number 20,000 being bandied about, but is that number of people attending or number of people attending x the number of days they bought tickets for?

Signed, WannaKnow

Dear Wanna,

It is true that some sci-fi conventions count “bodies per day,” so a person with a 4-day membership is counted four times toward the final total.

However Dragon Con like most other professional conventions and trade shows traditionally count each membership as one attendee, so whether a person attends one day or all four days, he/she is counted once toward the total. The 2000+ figure reflects the latter method; IF they used the “bodies*day” method then Dragon*Con 2001’s total would have been approximately 43,000 instead of 20,000. Lots of peeps hey? No matter which way you count them. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

Hope to see you there,
