Brigadoom vs The Game

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Why not just say: “Brigadoom” is a play on the word “Brigadoon”, and leave it at that? And read Flamegrape’s posted synopses of the original.

We got it the first time, Bonnee. For your information, life is libidinal. There’s nothing esoteric about that.

For the reasons that were (apparently)overstated. My remarks weren’t intended as a corrective, but as supplementary. Clearly they weren’t welcome, but it seems to me that Lexx is working with an esoteric notion of sexuality – even if it is slightly tongue in cheek. My feeling is that our respective backgrounds predisposes us to experience lexx in different – but equally valid – ways. The idea of leaving something the way it is does not encourage me to question why it might be that way in the first place. Sorry for overstating what you insist was obvious the first time, but your remarks indicate that I haven’t made myself clear at all.