Brigadoom vs The Game
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Originally posted by Valdron:
I would have to say that in a real contest between Brigadoom and the Game, I would have to give it to the Game.Brigadoom would take the lead in the contest quite early, and would likely hold it for a considerable time. After all, their cast has bodies, are brightly coloured, and move around a lot in intricate ways.
In contrast, the Game is just a bunch of heads. ‘Ha!’ The Brigadoom players would
go, ‘we mock you with our monkey pants!’Oh wait, wrong series.
‘We mock you with our elaborate costumes and hairstyles and bodies full of limbs!’ The Brigadoom players would go and the Game-sters would wail and gnash their teeth and turn around in circles like they do when they’re frustrated.
But, I think I’d have to say that the Brigadoom players have no staying power. Sooner or later, they’d be distracted by some shiny object and start singing about that. All that choreagraphy is very nice, but does it control a board? Nope.
Hey, I LIKE bright shiny objects!
…. Um, what was I just saying??? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]