Dead Thing Pie

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Dead Thing Pie Dead Thing Pie



Originally posted by FX:
[b] yep my pattern guzzling friends, i saw no mention of it on scifiuk either…but somebody here (probably cat) had mentioned winter of 2002…wonder why they decided to wait so long? or maybe they just wanted most of the episodes in the can before they began showing? i have a horrible feeling that the seven we’ve seen, plus vlad next week are all that are finished…and the kids haven’t even gotten back from their “summer hiatus” yet…it may be a long, cold , miserable fall folks …think i need some pattern myself now…


Please, I beg you…have mercy, nobody mention Pattern again for a few days, it’s driving me crazy, I can’t sleep or work because of that bloody song.
Dark eyed and unwashed Squishy (I can’t have a shower, because I know I’ll start again!!!)
