
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx dumb! dumb!


I think that “Woz” was a great episode beside my whinging about Xev’s transformation. Fogive me about the scientific flaws that I made about DNA and all that but I’m not very scientifically minded to be honest.

I did like “Mantrid” a lot, it was quite a good start to the series, but episodes like “Terminal” “Luvliner” and “White Trash” sort of made me wonder sometimes. I have to say that even in these bad episodes I thought that the acting from the main characters was brilliant. The first episode of Lexx that I really really enjoyed was “Lafftrack”, I really loved the satirical side to that one. The episode I found the most disapointing from that series was “The end of the universe”, I know that an entire universe was destroyed but I somehow felt that it was a bit of an anti climax to the Mantrid plotline.

The third series was more or less perfect though, if a bit too serious, good twist towards the end.

“O God ah petition Thee! Hear mah cry and make haste mah respite for ah am tired of this day and it’s most earnest work. Gather up thy servant and bring me home. Lord, there is no place upon this ground of men for me. Ah have seen complete the matter of thy command. It is done. She is shut down.”

From the lamentations of Euchrid the mute