Episodes recut for different markets

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Originally posted by LexxFan:
….. but the episodes I did see from season three on SciFi didn’t seem to have any story missing, and I could watch them with out worrying about the kid, so I don’t mind them being re- cut. How do the rest of your feel about this?


Well, after viewing this web site, Star Diary [url=http://www.lexx.ufo.ru/synops.shtml] http://www.lexx.ufo.ru/synops.shtml%5B/url%5D
(point and click on pics to enlarge, etc.)
I wouldn’t recommend this web site to children under 18.
I’m not so sure that part of the story line, especially in Series #3, wasn’t somehow compromised because of editing. Now, I’m
also wondering about all of the other LEXX episodes. I would like to know the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when it comes to the story line. I just feel that it has a lot to do with character development in any given episode. Perhaps it’s just me though. How does the saying go, “A picture is worth a thousand words? ” I too believe that LEXX belongs in an appropriate time slot so as not to influence the young ones, or cause heart attacks among the elderly, or the easily excited, or so as not to endure suffering through what often times turns out to be a long winded lecture. As far as adult viewing is concerned, I just close my eyes when viewing, what I consider to be, an objectional scene, (be it violence, sex, or some yucky, gross, oozing stuff) or that’s when I get up and get some more popcorn, or whatever. If someone else is watching with me I’ll ask them to, “Please tell me, is it over yet?” If the language happens to objectional I can always just stick my fingers in my ears. Of course, if I’m watching a video I just fast forward. If the flick is really bad I always have the option of NOT WATCHING IT, AT ALL.

That’s what I think, for what it’s worth. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Reveal7 (edited April 18, 2001).]