FluffDaddy Spoiler- Did Xev mate….?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx FluffDaddy Spoiler- Did Xev mate….? FluffDaddy Spoiler- Did Xev mate….?


From my impression watching the episode, Xev never actually got to perform the “act” with live Kai before she ate him. Dead Kai called live Kai Xev’s “mate” long before she would have gotten to perform any “act” with him.

My impression is that Xev had fixated on live Kai as her chosen mate, and waited for him to be ready for her has long as she could… but eventually could hold out no longer, and ate him.

Any geezer who’s nuts enough to drive staples into his feet to understand pain (?) is not going to be a pushover for Xev’s wants.

Speaking of which, I laughed and laughed at the pomposity of “The Actor.” What a fitting counterpart personality for Kai! Taking himself and his craft so seriously, to the point of ludicrousness.

It makes me wonder how close this personality would be to the actual character of Kai when he was alive on Brunnis 2. Who knows? We really only have small hints as to what Kai’s personality was like when he was alive.