Ha HAH!!! It is TINA!!!!!!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Ha HAH!!! It is TINA!!!!!! Ha HAH!!! It is TINA!!!!!!


I got almost all of them right…what do I win?, can I request a prize please?
My furry white pedigree cat has kopped it, can I have a new one, as no evil meglomaniac is complete without one.
Failing that, can I have what I beleive is called… ‘A Giant Laser’, this… ‘Giant Laser’ would be really helpful, as I would use the… ‘Giant Laser’ to destroy the moon.
If I get third prize can that be either a pool full of man-eating sharks or piranha’s.
I’m really hoping to get my career underway, and to stop people calling me ‘The Diet Coke of E-VIL’, any help or suggestions in starting out for world domination will be gratefully recieved.
DR. SQUISH (budding evil meglomaniac).

Annoyed Squishy