
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Hello? Hello?



Originally posted by aurora:
[b]I want closed captions or English subtitles. What a disappointment. It’s very hard to read 790’s lips! Also, Much More Michael McManus. The interview on the first DVD was too short. [/b]

You’re replying to a post made by someone at Contender, who make the UK DVDs. Your profile says that you’re in the US, so don’t go blaming Contender for stuff that we did. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

(I’m with Acorn, btw. We’re doing the DVDs in the States. Lee, nice to meet you!)

As for the closed captions, I agree with you. The masters we received, however, didn’t have an encoded closed captioning option, and it’s EXTREMELY cost-prohibitive to create them on your own, especially if you’re a smaller company dealing with a “cult” title (though we have been looking into the costs…this is a point of contention that I’ve brought up with the company in the past, and I’ll bring it up again).

And as for Michael’s interview being too short, I *wish* it were longer. Salter filmed the interviews for us while people were in between things on the LEXX set, and the interviews are exactly what they gave us, already edited, with the clips in there.
