Help keep Lexx from being ignored.

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Help keep Lexx from being ignored. Help keep Lexx from being ignored.



Originally posted by thefrey:
[b]Lexx is getting a raw deal from SciFi and the general media. Per request I am posting various letters and emails that I have sent out to Praise or Promote Lexx. While I am not god’s gift to writing, I hope these will give you a starting point and make it easier for you to write your own Lexx Letters. If anyone has any letters they would like to share as samples, just email them to me, and I’ll post them. I am sure if we keep after them, we can break through the publicity blackout that is holding Lexx back. The samples are at [url=][/url] I have also included BlackClouds link, for other places that we can drum up publicity for the new season. Remember it is never to early to enlarge the Lexx fan base for season 5! [img][/img]


Actually, the link is an old one from when Terri Malinski put up the Dragonfliers site and began rallying American fans to begin letter/email campaign, along with our overseas counterparts, to keep Lexx alive and healthy for another season. She and others worked hard on the site and on the campaign, as did the fans, and as you can see, we’ve got another season. Never underestimate the power of the pen (or profit [img][/img]) The site is inactive but you can still check out the pages at the addy.