Homemade Lexx DVD Season Sets

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quote[quote][b]If that’s what you’re talking about, then that is called the hub.[/b][/quote]
Spindle, hub… whatever. That’s what I get for playing with my LPs lately.

quote[quote][b]There’s no way the disc would fall free inside the case like you claim.[/b][/quote]
My experience is otherwise.

quote[quote][b]you might risk bending the disc which a very bad idea.[/b][/quote]
Is it? How many Alpha-encased discs of yours have gone bad? How many people on the net have reported that the stress of pulling their favorite disc out of an Alpha has caused it to cease to play? None that I’m aware of. CDs and DVDs are tough pieces of plastic.

quote[quote][b]I concluded that the Amaray’s were the best. [/quote][/b]

quote[quote][b]I don’t know where you got the idea that the Amaray hubs are “ultra-breakable.” I’ve never had one break.[/b][/quote]
You’re lucky. I have replaced numerous Amarays in which one of the halves of the ying-yang-shaped hub has snapped (and often scratched the disc’s surface as the broken pieces rattle around behind).

quote[quote][b]It is not “utterly moot,” as you blithely put it.[/quote][/b]
Of course it is. If you don’t like Alpha cases, ignore this thread. See? Wasn’t that easy?

quote[quote][b]I want no part of a plan to do the same with Lexx DVD collections and you can design these Alpha covers yourself. I will actively discourage people from buying into your plan.[/b][/quote]
Umm… so what? I’m doing this for my own pleasure, but thought the folks at SG’s might be interested as well.

Flamegrape… seriously… take a chill pill. Geez! [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

[ 19-08-2002: Message edited by: tripps ]