how was everyones week?

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hmm…*grin* This week was so-so.

One of hubbies friends at his work got fired, which really brought him down. But we got the kitchen cleaned and continue to fight the battle of the clutter!

We have the tickets to Atlanta GA, and the hotel reservations. All I have to do now is find out flight numbers and the hotels name.

Tried to go out this weekend but the babysitter got the flu, poor dear, so that went bust. OH! so we rented some movies. I have a DVD of Shrek to watch! (hockey, shrek, hockey, shrek…hrmm…I see the US is losing, maybe Shrek it is! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] )

My god, what a dull life I lead. All I can think of is domestic stuff. I have library books that are overdue and a drivers license that needs renewed. Waaa! *sob* *sniffle*

Oh, I remember Friday night/Saturday morning something happened to break up the hum of domesticity. The people next door had a party, I think that’s all they use the place for. Hubby and I stayed up late about 2:00 a.m. We were watching some DVD or other and someone knocked on our door. We looked at each other, wondering who it was because the people we know who would still be up that late were out of town. Hubby answered the door and a guy grunted, “Hey, open up, we’re moving in.” Thank goodness hubby is no slouch and had his foot on the back of the door because they tried to come in. “Wrong house, man. It’s next door.” he said. It took them a pause or two, but they left to go next door. Why they couldn’t tell it was next door, I don’t know! There were people standing outside talking and the cars lined the street. It didn’t start until one a.m. or so. I think the reason they wait so late is because there is a policeman that lives about four houses down from us. Ballsy, aren’t they?

[ 24-02-2002: Message edited by: Praxilla ]