Is it simply more american arrogance?
› Forums › Other Forums › The Pub › Area 51; Paranormal or Patsy? › Is it simply more american arrogance?
How come it always seems to be in the US that you hear about this stuff?
You get things like crop circles, area 51, all of that, but its in America. If there were actually beings wanting to communicate with people, would they concentrate solely on one part of the world? or is it more likely they would try other parts as well.
or, is it that because the yanks got themselves as far as the moon a couple of times, they were more ‘acceptable’ to the ‘aliens’?
its all very strange when you think about it.
– actually this was brought up in the last episode of stargate – about secrecy within the government etc.
the storyline was simply a tried and true way of reviewing the adventures of SG-1, (ie. taking a trip down memory lane)
but it prompted thought nonetheless. Exactly how much do our governments -all over the world- keep from us (go the conspiracy theories!!) Do they have regular contact with alien beings? do they trade technology and information, traversing the galaxy daily?
and if that’s so, how much do they co-operate with each other? this episode in particular brought the ambassadors of france, china, england, the us and russia together to let the first three named in on the act. if this was true to life, why on earth would the other countries feel the need to be secretive about all of the information? – especially if tensions arose between the countries… in fact, why would the us feel the need to let anyone else know in the first place? they would then be placed over a barrel in the sence that as soon as the us overstepped its bounds, any of the other countries could hold the information against the us governent? or am i rambling about something i know crap all about?
(just to clear everything up, this is not my actual stance, I believe whole heartedly that there are other beings out there, i just dont really have any concrete evidence so to speak.)