Lexx Wish List

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Originally posted by nwmonikr:
Hi FX,Aleck etc. I was catching up on the posts and was attracted to the Bad Carrot hints and possibile consequences. Aleck, do you know if you will be involved if and when Season 4 starts going to DVD and/or video? If so, what are the chances that Bad Carrot will be offered unedited as were the previous seasons? It sounds like it will be a real romp. The idea we will not be given the opportunity to even view an edited version on US Sci Fi is most annoying.

Ain’t it *just*? Annoys the living bejeesus out of me. I’m of the opinion that SciFi will show it…I don’t know *how*, judging from what’s been said, but as it’s been said, the eppy is still listed under “Romps” on the SciFi site, and I’m sure that they’ve at least seen *some* form of it.
Okay, I’m going to go out on a limb here. I don’t know if I should say anything, as I don’t think that final paperwork has been signed or anything of that nature, but I’ll risk it. I can trust you guys to not spread this around, can’t I? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] I will, unless some catastrophe strikes, be working on the S4 DVDs. They’re not on the schedule yet (*yet* being the operative word), but from all the talk that’s been going on between Acorn and Salter, going into getting interviews recorded in advance, compiling supplemental material as they go, etc. (I’d like to think that we’ve had some influence on the Beans holding on to the deleted scenes this go-round), it looks pretty definite. As with everything else, then, we should be presenting the episodes uncut. The S3 discs are definitely going to be uncut (and if you haven’t seen “Boomtown” uncut, you [b]haven’t seen “Boomtown”[/b]…not to mention a certain shower scene with a certain Bunny that just goes on and on and on…), so I can only assume that we’ll be presenting the whole ugly mess as it was intended: [i]chock full of [b]sleaze[/b][/i].
Oh, how I love the fact that I’ve helped drag this humble video company from the pristine British drama outlet that we normally are into the world of horny spacemen, necrophiliac desire, robot lust, anal-raping carrots, hot’n’steamy plant luv, flying bordelloes, and of course, half-human/half-reptile love slave action!!! And let’s not forget the Satanic nihilism of Season 3. Oh, it’s just delightful. I wonder if they knew what they were getting into when they drew up these contracts…
