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I would like to see less morality play as in season 3 and more action as in I worship His Shadow and Giga Shadow. Kai needs to stay dead, Stan wishy washy and Xev needs to chill out. A couple of eps featuring an alive Kai, fully functional and horny would be terrific. Perhaps 790 could have a robot dream about “his dead stiff”. I really enjoyed Gondola! Even knowing it wasn’t really Kai, but Prince made it even more delicious. I could have strangled Fifi. Hell, he could have waited a few minutes before he tossed poor Bunny over the side! A peek at a bare haunch would have sent me into orbit. Stan needs to have an ep or two where he can be truly heroric without his usual whining and preoccupation with getting nookie. One of my favorite scenes from Brigadoom was when he returned to the theatre and made his speech about making their own history. I also think to have the whole season 4 taking place on psuedo earth would be a bad idea and if this is the last season, yes, bring them full circle and give the fans closure.