Lyekka will return!!
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I had the creepiest dream about Lyekka last night. You probably don’t care, but it’s been all I can think about. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] It was like that thing on the Sci-Fi Channel (during commercial breaks) with the computer-generated plant that eats the butterfly (or was it a bird?) only it was the size of a house and it had Louise Wischermann’s head at the center with a crown of thorns and it had leafy tendrils wrapped around my body and was trying to eat me. I guess I was Stan, cause Kai was standing around trying to reason with the plant and I’m yelling “Just kill her, Kai! Kill Lyekka now!” Then the Lyekka head bit into me and I woke up.
I’ve had a similar dream at least once before. I think maybe I spend too much time thinking about [i]Lexx[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]
Okay, on the topic, I don’t think Lulu will turn into a plant. Her soul is probably from the human Lyekka, judging by what other Lexxians say about [i]Fluffdaddy[/i]. The plant Lyekka’s soul has yet to appear to us. Judging by the title of the second to last episode, it [b]will[/b] resurface. And it will somehow probably be Louise Wischermann.
Maybe it will be a pseudo-human form, or maybe her soul is in Trin form floating around somewhere in the Solar System looking for food (which she will shapeshift to obtain). I don’t think Stan and Lyekka will come together. He’s a human and she’s a plant. That coupling just wouldn’t be right. As I see it, Zev is the one made for Stan. Lyekka can go find some stamen or something. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]