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I’m convinced that the souls have come from Fire and Water, but reality has been conveniently rearranged to make a space for them. Priest was “found” having reincarnated in the jungle, and it’s not too hard to imagine people ‘deciding’ he was from Vietnam. Conversely, in Dutch Treat Bunny references a family that she cannot possibly have since she’s been on Gametown for 4000 years.
When Prince ‘rescued’ Priest in Battle, he explained to Xev that he did so because the snivelling wretch was useful to him – the smirk when Prince learns that Priest has won the election suggests that if Prince wasn’t directly responsible for the victory, he’s cetainly happy about it; President Davidson was extremely difficult to manipulate.
We know that some period of time passed between the souls from Fire and Water, and the Lexx’s arrival on Earth, and I’m guessing from references in Little Blue Planet that it’s been about nine months (when Priest ‘turned himself into a tour bus’.) That seems more than enough tiime for one as ambitious as Prince to get himself set up as head of the ATF. After keeping Fire from descending into chaos – partially – Earth must have seemed like an easy task.