Moss Flops Too
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Scifi never did a good job plugging lexx. Only during the second half of s4 did they finally give it some ad spots. Which they only showed frequently during the first few weeks of it return.
Ironiocally Lexx did twice as better with zero advertising then it is with all the advertising its getting now (Err was getting). Currently it’s still better then it was for s2 and s3.
I’m not sure its appropriate that we blame the television network for Lexx’s recent lacklustre performance. There is only so much you can butt plug a show that gave the APPEARANCE of losing the plot during the course of the fourth season. Even die hard fanatics – moderators such as Sad geezer and Rachel (at – have indicated that the season has been quite the endurance test. Other fans have been very vocal about their own disappointment, and ‘announced’ their intention not to watch again (Lily and Bowcatz immediately come to mind). It seems to me that not only is Lexx not building its core audience, it appears to be erasing an existing fan base. Perhaps my remarks will be construed as trolling (again), but the decline in ratings speak for themselves. The season return via ‘Midsummer’ could even be construed as commercial suicide, and subsequent ratings merely an extended suicide note. I just hope that the freefall has stopped. Its a shame really, because my own enthusiasm has returned with a vengeance and I hope other disgrunglted viewers feel similarly. Mort was encouraging, and Moss was stupendous. Given the way everyone has been talking about the Game, I can’t wait to see it and watch it over and over again. Hopefully, the ‘vibe’ generated from this episode has also found its way to others.