My thoughts on the Metaphysics of S3
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Originally posted by Hypatia:
Well, there aren’t any books on Water, and they don’t show Lexx there either! I could live in Boomtown, but I’d get bored. Yeah, most of the cities on Water would make me miserable if I had to stay there for a long time.
Yeah, but, as far as we know, we haven’t seen most of the cities on Water. The entirety of Season 3 takes place over the span of a few days, or 3 weeks tops. We don’t really know what other towns are on Water.
quote[quote]The girls seemed pretty self confident to me, though. However, the rest of it makes sense.[/quote]
Well, they’re self-confident *now*. Hindsight being 20/20, you know. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
But one last thing, Prince dosen’t reign supreme. He had Duke and Priest try to take over, although he was more powerfull than them (Duke could only come back as Duke). There were always limits on his power. He’s limited, almost as Satan was in Job (YWH gives Satan [i]permission[/i] to hurt Job, presumably Satan needed this permission)
Now in Christian conceptions of Hell, Satan isn’t hindered by anything but the power of God.
Well, to restate my point, I think that we shouldn’t be really enforcing a Christian conception of Hell or Heaven upon S3, but instead take Fire on its own terms. To use the example I mentioned previously (the conception of Hell as presented by Neil Gaiman in his comic series [i]Sandman[/i], which is based on previously established history in the DC Universe, particularly [i]Swamp Thing[/i] #50…but I’m geeking here), Satan (referred to in the comic as Lucifer Morningstar) rules Hell as part of a triumvirate with Beelzebub and Azazel, a condition which arose as part of a civil war in the underworld (and which, possibly not coincidentally, has parallels with the Priest and Duke situation: while Hell is ruled by this triumvirate, Lucifer still pretty much runs the show much in the same way that no matter how much power Priest and Duke try to usurp, Prince still holds the most power).
Inasmuch as the Job situation, I always thought that Satan’s admonition to only hurt Job was more of a “rule of the game,” as it were. I thought that YHVH was basically saying that Satan could hurt Job all he wanted without YHVH stepping in and relieving Job in any way. It wasn’t so much a matter of YHVH saying “You can hurt him,” but “I won’t do anything to help him, so let him have it.”quote:
Oh, you were on vacation Aleck? Welcome back.
Thanks. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]