Re: Great Topic! :)

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[quote=”Logan”]Galactica 1980… Once they found Earth in Battlestar Galactica it was all-downhill.[/quote]

Logan, I’ve got to agree. In addition to the goofy, budget-minded setting of modern day Earth, they pulled a “Dukes of Hazzard” to boot–uhm, which is not to say that I actually watched… oh I admit it! We ALL used to watch that show, and we loved it. Anyway, the whole not-so-lookalike frontmen switcheroo thing, I mean. Just put in a new blond guy and one with dark hair, and it’s pretty much the same show, right?

It makes one nervous about the big “Sci-Fi Channel Original” Galactica that’s looming. I mean, is it *really* necessary? I hope they get around to doing a big-budget remake of “Far Out Space Nuts.”