Re: Londos Prophecy
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2) You must NOT kill the one that is already dead.
I really think this must be Morden. Morden died back on Zhadum along with the rest of the crew when he was either put in a machine, or gave himself to the Shadows willingly. But whadda you guys think? [/quote]
Londo had to kill Morden and the shadows on Centauri Prime to keep the Vorlons from destroying his planet. When the Vorlons were still coming to blow up the planet, he realized that he too had shodow influence, and needed to be killed. He begged Vir to off him. This was certainly a redeeming quality. So killing Morden was something he should have done.
John Sheridan on the other hand is someone who had already died. If you remember your future history ;), Sheriden and Delenn were captured on Centauri Prime shortly before Londo and G’Kar throttled each other. His keeper commaned him to have the two killed. Instead Londo got drunk, thus distracting the keeper long enough to say his goodbyes and tell the couple to get the @#$% out of dodge. To continue the story, this drunkeness also allows G’Kar time to come in an kill him before the keeper would notice.
Londo’s non-killing of Sheriden/Delenn and sacrificing himself for the betterment of the Centauri, (and the Interstellar Alliance) is what saved him. For if he lived on, who knows what havok the Drahk would have let loose in his name.
Although whatever he prevented must’ve been really big for such redemtion. Especially considering all the hundreds of millions of lives he was responsible for ending:[list]
[*]Earth-Minibari War
[*]Invasion of Narn (and the battles leading up to it)
[*]The Shadow War
[*]The Invasion of Centauri Prime and the subsequent tryanny (inepitude?) of “his” rule