Re: What is Cult TV Sci Fi?
› Forums › General Sci Fi › General Sci Fi Stuff › What is Cult TV Sci Fi? › Re: What is Cult TV Sci Fi?
Perhaps it’s time we didn’t limit ourselves to [color=orange]cult TV sci-fi[/color], and since I’ve already given my definition I’ll diverge and digress a little more (feel free to skip), though I’m sure I’ll come up with a better one (it can be a bit problematic), and even surer that my fellow posters will come up with better ones still…
Some of the shows here are arguably cult (YOU CAN ARGUE THAT THEY ARE BUT YOU DON’T NEED TO), and arguably sci-fi (most any show has some “cult” following, and a great many shows not categorised as sci-fi have some sci-fi elements to them). For instance, Andromeda, though sci-fi (soft sci-fi I think) may be a little too new and a little too mainstream to be considered truly cult — it’s a good show, but is it truly indicative (a prime respresentative) of a cult show, or Dune, or Stargate etc. for that matter?
I suppose that it can still find a mainstream sci-fi audience and still have a loyal cult following, but popular and cult like I said are contradictory. And Patrick McGoohan claimed that The Prisoner is not sci-fi. It certainly has strong sci-fi elements, but it borrows from different genres, and could be classified as spy thriller, political thriller, action, adventure, or a surrealist or existential piece. Loosely sci-fi[i]esque[/i] is certainly more than adequate for our purposes.
Buffy would be more readily classified as fantasy, or even horror-comedy than sci-fi. We also have much discussion of sci-fi and horror movies here, and I think that’s GREAT! It’s eclectic. I believe this board has moved in the direction of a general sci-fi/fantasy/horror, whatever, resource and forums. Good! I like the variety! What this board should really be about is good or interesting or most importantly, I think, [color=yellow]DIFFERENT[/color] sci-fi/scifiish/fantasy etc. shows (and movies I think) and not just whether they’re cult. And remember, bad ones often have big cult followings. So what is good or interesting sci-fi? Well that depends on your own personal tastes.
Personally, it doesn’t bother me if there aren’t many great new sci-fi shows coming out. I bet there are lots of great ones from around the world such as Space Swamis but we don’t get to see them. It doesn’t bother me MUCH because there are so many great classic sci-fi, or sci-fi[i]ish[/i] shows like Blake’s Seven, The Twilight Zone (doesn’t limit itself to sci-fi), the Outer limits, UFO, Space 1999, Star Trek TOS, the Invaders etc., and so many other non sci-fi shows that are wonderful (some of them are new).
I bet there are lots of fantastic old sci-fi shows that I’ve never seen. What bothers me is that my sci-fi station largely ignores the wonderful old series, and many newish ones from around the world that must exist and are probably good. Many people have never been exposed to these great old shows; deprived. Sad. 😥 I would very much like to see new good ones of course, but i think sci-fi productions would improve if more shows were truly [i]informed[/i] by the old shows. You can’t expect much intelligent and creative sci-fi if your audience is not tele-literate since you’re catering to them, and they grow to accept and expect low standards — and it’s out with the old, in with the new. The recycling of classics really can fertilise new minds and new concepts (and remember too that most sci-fi these days is aimed at kids. Well so was Dr. Who, and I still love it). Still, I wish there were more adult sci-fi shows — shows that cater to a more worldly, experienced, educated and informed audience. So often they pander to the lowest common denominator (which is really just about money rather than creative vision).
We need more luminaries in sci-fi who can make lower budget experimental independent sci-fi productions. So often it’s make a show by numbers, but here are niche markets for more unusual fare (government grants can help, and sometimes do, fund these, and there are now hundreds and hundreds of stations we can get — its usually the same stuff all around the place — and the specialty channels can use the more original fare, but it’s not easy to make money off originality, so sci-fi productions, which is already by its nature generally too generic (genre conventions), relies heavily on formula. if it works this time, well lets try it again, leaving sci-fi lacking in creativity. Babylon 5 is an interesting case, they gave Strazynski (sp?) much creative freedom. It really did become about as [i]auteur[/i] as they can get. Too many people involved tends to spoil the vision and becomes confused, sanitised, and/or uninspired. [i]Too many cooks spoils the broth.[/i]
There was a recent British one that I really liked, but I never had the chance to watch most of it (on at 3:00 am 🙄 ) called Space Island One, and I really liked Odyssey 5, so no, I don’t even think it’s in the doldrums, but there really is not a lot of variety or originality when it comes to most sci-fi. I would love to see more foreign language sci-fi shows; there must be a few great ones, must be lots of excellent Russian and Spanish ones.
Anyway, for my money, I’d like to see more guides and forums on what are generally classified as cult sci-fi classics such as Blake’s 7 (it takes time for a show to reach cult status). And while there are many great old shows to cover, and new ones I’m convinced, unfortunately most of us don’t have easy access to them.
Re Fatguy’s latest points which I am not knowledgeable enough to respond to adequately, I have also been told that the pages take way too long to load which is a reason why many people don’t use the forums (the guides are very popular still, especially the LEXX ones). Is there any way to streamline it, or whatever without getting rid of the great options? Any way that it could load faster; often times out on me. A constitution I rather like the idea of, but while this is an adult board, I don’t want it to become a porno site — what I call a woodie board. Really there is far more freedom, and this site is far more democratic than most boards already. Most censorship I come across is self-censorship; do it all the time. Sadgeezer is always looking for input and often implements it. This is a versatile board, and always improving with the contribution of ALL. Compare to some other moderated boards for instance; here we can really participate in the running of the site, and can be involved in the decision making process with our suggestions etc.. It’s OUR (all of ours) board in a sense. Here we can suggest changes to the site, really be listened to, and often see it happen (if it’s practical and if time permits).
But if you build it faster they will come; they already do, and some new organisation might help, but… I like it slower, leads to more thoughtful posts, but because one is virtually required to be more thoughtful and take a little more time, it discourages people from posting a lot.
[quote=”Fatguy”]Plus side of Sadgeezer is obvious: Established and respected web site run by likable people who are there for the love of the pastime.[/quote]
Absolutely, as Sad has said before, this site is a labour of love … it certainly shows. And I would also generally include the wonderful members who are also here for the love of the pastime (it may be just for posting). It’s the friendly, interesting, kind, helpful, funny, and knowledgeable people here that keep me coming back. I learn something new every time I visit, and get lots of chuckles. 😀 I wish some of them would post more, but when they do, it’s pure gold! I’d rather one great post, than 20 mediocre ones (and by great I don’t mean long like this sloppy one 🙄 🙄 ).