Re: White like Maurice… Join the cult!

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Nothing like KFC to spur on those deep thoughts. I’ve always suspected that the Colonel was a racist, but I have no firm evidence to support this.

We live in a very multi-cultural area; within walking distance there’s a mosque, various churches, a Buddhist temple, a Sikh temple, and and an East Indian cultural centre. Most of my friends are Asiatic (middle-eastern, East Indian, Chinese)…

Its interesting that you mention the Chinese element in relation to my wife being Filipina. Her mother is from a fairly well-to-do Chinese family, when she married a dark, non-Chinese man, she was cut-off from the family. Her siblings are lighter in complexion than her, and she was teased and called ugly for it. Her fair skinned cousins have been terribly cruel to her because she’s darker. It’s sad to me that in the Philippines fair skin is generally considered beautiful, dark skin ugly. Most of their celebrities are either of Chinese or Spanish origin (commonly both, and do not look like most Filipinos). Many people there are genuinely ashamed to feel dark — it’s a low-esteem nation. Doesn’t help that their major export is people — many of them nannies, cleaners, and fast food servers. Many of them are University educated too, but seem to lack the ambition to do something else — i guess they feel they won’t be accepted in higher-level jobs. Of course there are many great nurses from there too.

When I told people that I met a girl I really liked in Japan, they were all really disappointedwhen they found out she was from the Philippines “ah, okay” would be a common response before they’d change the topic. Many of them automatically assumed that she was an entertainer in Japan (she taught English at my fellow school).

When she came here, and she’s a chemical engineer, she was content to be a cleaner like so many others. But my pride wouldn’t allow it, soon she became the head-manager of a medical device German-owned company — she’s an extremely hard and capable worker, worked right up until the last day of her preganacy. I must admit that I was always scared that people would think she was a nanny — I even avoided telling people that she was Filipina becuase I feared their reaction after a while. I would even speak to her in Japanese when I was out — she can pass for Japanese. Sad, I don’t worry about it any more, but…

I’m not worried aboutthe baby, while I attended an almost exclusively white school, there will be children of many races at hers. Actually, maybe not, she’s going into French immersion. You know, it’s funny, we brought my mother-in-law over to stay with us, and when she first saw the baby, she excitedly said, “The baby has white skin!” I really couldn’t care less. The baby has Oriental traits, black hair, oriental eyes etc, and even though she looks nothing like me (but acts like me), I couldn’t be happier! A lovely, flawless baby. But it has crossed my mind how people will react when they see ultra-white me with the baby — will they recognise me as the father, think I’m a kidnapper etc.? I’m already getting the “baby looks nothing like you” deal.

There will be racism, and hopefully we’ll deal with it as best we can.