Re:5:01 – Condemned :- SPOILERS
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Angel › 5:01 – Condemned :- SPOILERS › Re:5:01 – Condemned :- SPOILERS
4th October 2003 at 10:32 pm
Season 5 already??? Yikes!
Seems like just last year I was watching it premiere. Where does the time go?
I loved the first season, was really dark, only 2 characters really. Then they added Cordelia and that was fine, good love story between her and the Irish demon dude. Then bang they kill him off and I totally lost interest. The PTBs were cool as heck though.
But now it’s in syndication in the USA on TNT, so maybe now’s a good a time as any to start watching again!
Thanks for the synopsis =)