Re:A couple of things that confused me about season 3.

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda A couple of things that confused me about season 3. Re:A couple of things that confused me about season 3.


Thankyou! You’re right about “The Right Horse”. When I watched it before, I remembered Abel saying how he was “free to love Beka Valentine”, so assumed he would stay, but forgot about them saying how important his work was and how he was free to continue it. Watching it again it did make more sense, so thankyou. I still wish Tyr had been locked in the brig after “Deep Midnight’s Voice”, but I suppose it would have ruined the betrayal plot at the end which I enjoyed very much. I’ve not seen s4 yet, and I hope it makes more sense than this season. Somehow I doubt it though 🙁 .