Re:Added: Hand of God


[quote=”YOWAYYO”]This review really had me laughing (with the reviewer, not at him.) Oh where to begin? How about the new pilots:

“Meanwhile Starbuck is debriefing the new pilots, who are in dire need of personality and a name like Black Widow Squadron, or Hells Hornets, or heck anything! Adama approaches Starbuck and promotes her from Sniper/Interrogater/Pilot to unofficial Lt. Colonel/Military Advisor position by asking her to join the tactical briefing.”

I agree that the new pilots need more pizazz. I think even in TOS the squadrons had “color” designations like gold, blue etc (someone please correct if I’m wrong on that.) I guess since they’re newbs we’ll have to settle for anonymous pilots and Starbuck busting there balls at every turn.

This leads me to ask: What do we know of the other pilots? All I know are Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Crashdown, Hot Dog, um, er, uh… I seem to forget the others but what about you guys? Oh, of course I cannot forget Helo. Also, I’d like to nominate “Chuckles” for coolest death-scene so far. Way to go, Chuck. Hell’s Hornets, indeed.

Also one of my biggest beef’s till this point is how far they (Moore/ the powers that be) have stacked the odds against the good guys. I honestly don’t see how much longer the viper fighters can last before they are all wiped out. Take this last ep, for example. BSG sends Strike Force 1 (or whatever it was called) which consisted of what? 7 – 10 vipers? The cylons counter with 50, plus another 40 or so for the decoys. I have a feeling my details may be somewhat off but you get the gist. And on top of all that Cyclon technology is superior and continues to frustrate the colonial fighters. And further still, you have guys like “Chuckles” and “Fireball” (not a good name, BTW) as your wingmen. Ok, Ok. So I’m riding “Chuckles” a little too hard, and no, I don’t blame all this on him. Anyway, mabe the colonials will start cranking out vipers left and right or perhaps come into some new technology that will give them an edge.[/quote]

I remember wondering the exact same things. Initially I assumed they would pick up refugees over the course of the season, but alas it was not to be. Headgehog can be more specific, but I think this entire first season takes place over the course of 30-60 days. It’s really really been a short time since the evacuation. Next season I expect things will get dragged out more (time-wise) and they’ll pick up a few squads of both pilots and marines.

They HAVE to give them better names though. Just take a gander in the Wing Commander books/games for some ideas. Names give personality, and to be honest when “Chuckles” or “Hot Dog” comes gunning for me, I’m not exactly intimidated by the name. The Squad names are even more important because this allows the pilots to differentiate from each other, and have something to compete against. In WC everyone wanted to be a “Black Widow”, the name itself spoke of the Elite, they even had special black leather jackets. But in a 42 minute show it’s tough, hopefully with all those extra episodes in Season 2 we’ll get a bit more into the individuals who blow Cylons out of the sky.