Re:Added: Sidewalk Soiler

Forums Animated Cult Sci Fi Tripping the Rift Added: Sidewalk Soiler Re:Added: Sidewalk Soiler


Just saw it. This was my first episode viewing.

Not bad at all.
Six’s personality was not the least bit wooden. She had a great deal of bounce and vibrancy right where it was needed.

Read the review Good review! Must be a lot of work tying teh speech from the sound track?

…Drat!!! Missed the bathroom scene. SPACE aired it a few minutes before scheduled time. .. they are always doing that. Their sense of time is affected by temporal distortions from the Star Trek Series. I’ll have to accomodate for a plus/minus 5 minutes from now on.

Love the way Six is jealous of Penelope. What does she see in Chode?
On second thought don’t tell me.

This was my very first time!

Rate this 4 out of 4 electrocuted litterbugs!.