Re:Added: Valley of Darkness


[quote=”mandara k”]Yeah, try 69 for a while.[/quote]
You don’t have to tell me twice! 8)

[quote]You see his eye has been trained to see 47, just as we can train our mind to see many things.[/quote]
Actually my brother is the one who constantly points out the 47’s to me. I think its contrived, much like numerology in general. There’s a great line from [i]Pi[/i] where the mentor says something to the effect of if you look for any specific number, you will find it everywhere, just by virtue of looking for it. I’ll have to look up the exact line later.
Ironically I pointed out a 47 for my brother earlier today. His reaction was similiar to the one I always give him: the middle finger. He told me that 47 rarly turned up in another Ron Moore series, Roswell. But then I reminded him of what year the crash took place.

[quote]Oh, sorry, good review of Valley of Darkness. [/quote]
Thanks, but like I alluded to earlier it was rushed and not very funny.

[quote]This ep was so dark you couldn’t see the dead , I mean Hitchcock could pace scenes well to build suspense, this was a rush through.[/quote]
I’m sure if it were up to the producers, and hour episode would really be 2 hours long, with the same amount of diolouge and action. The miniseries was cut to run in a three hour slot, by removing a few small scenes and getting rid of all the distracting pauses, silences, long shots etc.
But at the end of the day, they only have ~42 minutes to tell their story, so rushing has to happen.

[quote]DO you read Dante? That would pep up this constant borrowing from movies. “associate with fine books and fine people one of my mentors’ said. And he also says if you associate with evil people even if you are a good person, you will end up doing evil.[/quote]
Do [i]I[/i] read Dante, or do [i]they[/i] read Dante? I read it about a year ago. I occasionally reference it for some off colour jokes with friends. Or just to be a bastard and creep people out… 👿

[quote]That’s enough, waiting on that review of “Fragged”[/quote]
I really hope to have it done by Wednesday night. Really really hope.

But I have two episodes of TTR to review, with transcripts and screengrabs. Ideally that will be done by Tuesday… But realistically I should put more effort into TTR as it draws many more people to the site than BSG.

If there are any wanna-be reviewers lurking out there. I could really really use a hand right now!

At the very least, I’m uploading screengrabs tonight from Fragged.