Re:Added: Valley of Darkness Transcript

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Battlestar Galactica (Reimagined) Added: Valley of Darkness Transcript Re:Added: Valley of Darkness Transcript


I counted 6 cylons on the ship…scanning through this transcript.

Goddamn can Jamie Barber act. Freaking out and trying to keep composure and all…

When will Doc Coddle die? Because we he gets on the galactica (Adama critical….a hundred chewed up dead crewmembers). I think he’ll have a stroke.

They better strip everything they can off the dead…Wonder how much is left (bullets and bandages).

The ragtag fleet shot of Galactica floating out of formation from the fleet…I’d be freaking out if I saw that from some refugee ship.

And the darkness on the decks when the power went out. I was watching this in dark too and I couldn’t make heads or tails.

I’d venture to say they lost about 100 crewmembers. Final tally on next weeks opening, eh?

We lost socinius, tarn, some callsign noob named hotshot. We gained that “knuckledragger” named Jammer. He was interesting an well written in…freaking out but kinda bragging when he helped knock out those two last cylons. In fact the mentally wacked-out acting from those who witnessed the centurion firefights was really good.

[quote]Helo: Enough, all right. Okay, I was fooled by help she fooled me. You happy now?

Starbuck: It’s not about making me happy.

Helo: Then what’s it about? What do you want here? You want me to say I’m a fracking idiot, okay. I’m a fracking idiot.

Starbuck: That make you feel better?

Helo: I don’t care anymore. I’ve been here for months. By myself, o­n the run. o­n step ahead of the cylons. With the cylons, I guess, actually. She seemed so real. Like Sharon, you know? Same grin, same laugh. All the little things. I feel in love with a machine. That’s stupid. So just call me an idiot, and let’s be done with it.

Starbuck: You’re an idiot.

Helo: All right?

Starbuck: You’re an idiot. But the cylons have a way of making all of us look like idiots. [/quote]
If I were in that scene I’d think I’d shoot Starbuck for that “compassion” . She thinks she better than the rest…Too bad Helo couldn’t come back with “…by the way…Zak fooled you too.”

Maybe Zak was a cylon.

[quote]Starbuck: After they attacked, I never… I never pined over any of my old crap. Never missed it. Stupid view of the parking lot. Broken toilet in the bathroom. You know, everyone I know… is fighting to get back what they had. And fighting I’m fighting ’cause they don’t know how to do anything else. [Sighing]

” …And fighting I’m fighting ’cause they don’t know how to do anything else.”

Uh…well Hedge you got me on that one..Is that a typo to trip up transcript thieves? I’m still trying to decipher that line.

Either one of those bitch lines of Kara’s or something…”Waaaaa!! I’m always fighting”. LOL Those who listen to Artie Lange on The Howard Stern Show know what im talking about…come to think of it…another smart-ass comeback line for Helo if I was a writer.

[quote]Roslin: Open the door.

Venner: You know I can’t do that, Madame President.

Roslin: Corporal Venner, I have no intention of being locked in this cell and shot like a rat in a cage. Open the door!

He opens her rat cage

Roslin: Thank you.
There’s a reason Venner is guarding the rat cage. One can say it was his turn on duty at the brig, he’s like all of the marine privates.
But these two episodes show him to be weak and sorta “born again christian-ish”. Sergeant Hadrian musta knew Venner sucked in tight quarters.

Yup, you brits were wondering why half of America voted for Bush….there ya’ go.:lol:

That’s all I got, you mother-fraggers.