Re:Ahhh, the Memories!

Forums Other Forums The Pub Ahhh, the Memories! Re:Ahhh, the Memories!


Again, you have nothing to base your assumptions on re: the political activities of those on this board, *except* what is said on this board. To claim otherwise is to extrapolate into areas of which you have no first-hand knowledge. I generally don’t post about what actions I’ve been involved in or what political causes I’ve demonstrated in favor of or against. I have most likely made clear in the past where my political sympathies lie, but as this board almost exclusively entertainment-oriented, I feel no real need to constantly harp on my political beliefs or activities. It’s not in context. If a discussion arises in one of the more “off-topic” areas such as the Pub, I have no problem joining in, but I don’t feel the particular need to flog my politics non-stop.

And as far as the Gay Rights movement goes, I don’t know about your area, but all of the demonstrations I’ve seen and/or participated in (in DC, Los Angeles and Seattle, WA) have largely consisted of people in the college-age-to-mid-thirties range, regardless of when the demonstrations have taken place. The Boomers *are* there, but it’s never been strictly limited to them.