Re:Ahhh, the Memories!

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Hi Folks,
Here’s my favourite kid shows I watched when I was a little girl & would definitely watch them again, if I could.

[b]Land of the Lost, Sigmond the Sea Monster, Bigfoot & Wildboy, Electra Woman & Dyna Girl, the Bugaloos, Dr Shrinker [/b]& a couple of others I can’t remember at the moment.

[b]Fat Albert, Looney Toons, Disney[/b]

[b] Captain Kangaroo, Mister Rodgers, Electric Company[/b]

[b]Voltron, Ultraman & a couple of others I can’t remember[/b]

All of these, or at least most of them, kept me still when I had asthma when I was in the 5th grade, onward; some of them even before then, when I had casts on both feet, due to corrective surgeries. I watched a couple of them during the ’80’s when I was having my last surgeries on my left foot & was helping take care of the house.

Childhood memories Unite,
Jhevz 😉