Re:Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue…
› Forums › Discussion Forum Help › Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue… › Re:Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue…
Nice sentiments :blush: Thanks.
It’s not strictly true though. I may be the webmaster but it’s an interactive site and the members generally make more of the decisions about how things go than I do.
As som eof you know, originally this site was a place where I could publish my rantings in the form of reviews about my fave sci fi shows. But I’ve had MUCH more fun reading the contributions of others so in the last 12 months I’ve concentrated on making the sit emore interactive rather than ‘SadGeezers House’, sure, it’s still a home, but I’m aiming for it to be a home for lots rather than just me and Newkate – and I think it’s getting there.
Having said that I agree, this site will never be like or even the much better moderated – this site has never been in competition with those (much bigger and more popular) sites because we have different discussions here. I’m lucky in that there is usually a moderator on-line or lurking and you can be sure that because of this SadBOARD will never end up like (closed because of flame wars).
One final point, I’m also keen to voice such concerns regularly, and I (or others) will do so in the Help forum.
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