Re:Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue…

Forums Discussion Forum Help Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue… Re:Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue…


I’m sure Saddy and the rest would love your input over there, I know I would.

And don’t get me started on Macross with all the Hunter quotes 😛

To me it’s fairly simple

You have a subject written by the same author on the topic of oh well shoot lets use Robotech!

“What did you guys think of Hunters reaction when his big tall blonde buddy died?”

as opposed to

“What did you guys think of the big blond fag getting killed off? Ohhh boy now Ricky won’t get any more action!! HAHAH!”

Guess which is appropriate versus which isn’t?

To me it’s usually very simple. And we’ve never had a problem that I know of, of someone “overmoderating”. So I’m really not worried for the future.

Just my 2 cents, I hope Minmei(that’s her name right?) won’t kill me for posting this =)