Re:Cancellation therapy

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst Cancellation therapy Re:Cancellation therapy


The only cancelled program to my knowledge (edit: In recent history) that viewers successfully lobbied to get returned was “Roswell”.

They sent tabasco sauce to the network or some such.

The I-Man fans were sending glitter to get their point across until Sci-Fi USA informed them that it was now illegal to send suspicious substances through the mail and asked them kindly to stop, heh.

Never underestimate fan creativity.

Anyway, no, never done it. But I have written letters of support to writers/directors even programmers.

When Fred Ford and Paul Reich were pushed out of the Star Control series, I sent them a short letter, and recieved a 4-page response. Quite surprising.

When I was graduating High School, as a goof I sent an invitation to Bill Clinton (President at the time) and I actually recieved a form letter response. I was stunned to be honest. Although it was a form letter it came on expensive paper along with a card (probably worth a buck) with fancy lettering and a congratulations from the President (all copy, not real).

There’s been a dozen cases here and there where I just wrote up a short (sorry you guys got hosed!) or (Congratulations!) and received a personal response.

I’ve always been surprised at how people are willing to respond.