Posted 1st January 1970
by Headgehog
Re:Daniel and Marty Transcript
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Dune › Daniel and Marty Transcript › Re:Daniel and Marty Transcript
29th September 2003 at 6:37 pm
[quote=”LexxLurker”]But none the less, everything Teg seems to have done insured the return of the Machines. But that’s another conversation all together =)[/quote]
It was Leto II who began to reintegrate technology into humanity. At the begining of his reign, he was anti-machine like everyone else, but over his 3500 year tenure, he slowly adjusted humanities opinion toward machines and technology. At the end of God emperor, he tells Siona and Duncan to trust Ix and their machines. I belive that Leto knew that humanities future depended on it using its best natural ability, the ability to creates tools and technology to accomplish tasks.