Re:Find the quote
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › Find the quote › Re:Find the quote
Moss, Thank you Nurswhen! I watched it again last night and you are right, Kai says something like that– but his lines are really garbled in this episode. I guess it was all that crack he smoked in the last episode!
I like the actor playing Moss and his character, and parts of this eppy but on the whole I cannot stand this episode!! On this second viewing one thing that drove me mad was the Kai with his head sticking out of the fridge thing. Why not just leave him in a fridge somewhere??? HOW IS THE FRIDGE WORKING WHEN IT IS NEVER PLUGGED IN??? There they are– wheeling him around in it, and it is too old fashioned looking for me to believe there is some power source……
This is the kind of problem that happens when you move a show to earth…