Re:Geek Depression

Forums General Sci Fi Sci Fi Angst Geek Depression Re:Geek Depression


Hi Fellow Sci-Fi Fans,
I’m definitely 95-100% Geek; I’m on the computer a lot; both in the morning (or whenever I’m awake) & at night untill midnight; since I use the family’s computer in my mom’s room, we have a mutual understanding that I can have the computer till midnight, then I have to turn it off. It’s fine since, I’m online every other day or every 3rd when I’m at work; plus, it gives me time to do other things, offline. I also like chatting online, posting on boards, posting Bulletins on Myspace, playing Spider Solitare, working on my web sites & a whole lot more; & I’m having fun in the process.

Happy 2005,
Jhevz 😉