Re:I decided not to write a report….
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This is my report; moments gleaned from DC that have more sway on my heart than any thing else.
It was joking with the airport security about “my leg” that got stuck in the suirvelllance machine (I wear a brace for my ankle)
It was sitting with 4 strangers at the Hard Rock Cafe, enjoying 3 and 1/2 hurricaines (and i have the glass to prove it )and laughing our heads off about various topics from the Atlanta Braves to why men like breasts.
it was getting lost in the heart of Atlanta, exhausted, asking directions from a man, getting nowhere, and near collapse and having that same kind stranger giving me a lift to your hotel; and me giving him a rose I purchased for myself.
It was the light in Jhevz eyes when she told me about being in the Masquerade.
it was talking Mike L about B movies like…. which one was it… like Revenge of the Nazi Surfers and then a man dressed as a Nazi walks by.
It was helping an Indian lady make my bed at thr hotel and seeing the gratitude in her eyes.
It was the look of genuine warmth from the man that opened the cab door at the MArriot saying I’m glad to see you again and the feeling that i was seen and appreciated.
It was the warmth i felt for a little girl who gave HDS a stuffed pirate cat for being Jack Sparrow.
It was the warmth and appreciation i felt for ileykkai and her mother and to see how they really cared for each other and how Dee was so excited though did not say much. It was Michelle and her sweetness so natural to her and a number of others. It was Goblin from England sharing toast in the middle of the night and shedding my last tears for LEXX…. thank you for that; Goblin.
So you see my report has no interest if what you wanted to hear the cast news. I left that for others to extol their virtues; I did that in the past; and they are wonderful no doubt; but that does not hold sway for me anymore. You know who the real wonders are….
psst…… c’mere I’ll tell you…… “whispers” it’s you and me and all of those not mentioned. Those chained by the neck by Mr. Donovan in Def Con 4 or in Yo Way Oi do all the work and inherit a bomb to blow up our home. Now, I don’t know about you but to HELL if I’m letting some scientist, intellectual or pretty but shallow “new man ” blow up my planet. I will fight until my last breath to be heard exactly as i am; and if I am not heard that is YOUR Problem and not mine. I don’t want to be sized up as a freakin’ sex mate I just want to be heard. WHO in THE HELL ever said beauty and what is TRUTH are the same. The Greeks well they fell; so do all major civilizations this one will too.
If you ain’t got heart you will not make it and don’t mean heart for those you deem as suitable to your little ego or brain.
Wake up now; a lot of people are getting rid of their TV’s! Why? because it does not represent their life. Those under 30 people do not represent the population; they represent a fantasy that soon will be stashed away as RL will take center stage.
I guess it doesn’t matter now but nothing that happened recently surprises me and I could have told any of you but you didn’t ask me so I’m willing just to keep my thoughts to myself and let what happens happen; these are not my problems anymore I could have helped but why be ignored again or pushed aside for someone or something “better”. (smirk) Well, i hope it’s worth it in the long run. Well I did my time for LEXX
What is done is done; I am Comfortably NUMB;