Re:I have great news, A New Forum, please go see

Forums Discussion Forum Help I have great news, A New Forum, please go see Re:I have great news, A New Forum, please go see


I just had to reply to you post Jhevz 😀 . The emotion is everything – laughter, sadness, anger – If people do not feel for me – then I do not feel connected to them. I do not place any meaning on emotions – except to the fact that I have touched someone. Touching someone is important as it tells us that we are not alone. To move a person to an unexpected emotion is another affirmation that we are not in solipsistic universe (although this is not absolute).

An example is a person at another board that has the initials of her handle as: A…..A – and rarely if ever posts here….. To some; it would seem that this person truly hates me from the comments she made about me – however, this is the same person who came to my side against a more bigoted poster in a forgotten corner of that board that went unnoticed by me for quite a while. I have a good memory and I do not forget these kind acts; acts that would seem inconsistent with her future verbiage but are completely consistent with a person that you have “touched”. Consistency and rationality are just mental tools that have limited use in our social environment. Holding back one’s emotions is a great mistake for humanity. An emotional person is just the state to change an attitude – or reaffirm one….. Our most cherished moments are usually emotional ones…..go figure…..

I have been holding back my emotions on this board and have probably “cheated” my fellow posters of some rather entertaining topics. However; I have also been holding back my more analytical thoughts on many forums and the net result is that I am beginning to close my mind – holding back is not my way.
