Re:IMPORTANT – Please read and comment

Forums Announcements/New Stuff IMPORTANT – Please read and comment Re:IMPORTANT – Please read and comment


I have noticed the site get slower recently. But I thought it had more to do with allthe search engines checking our new html pages. For those who haven’t noticed, all of the php pages have been converted to html. This allows the search engines to serach the entire site.

If we had to nix certain sections of the main page I’d remove: calender (it’s so congested with reminders, its somewhat impotent), sadhoo recent links, site progress, news archives (by months), polls, who’s online, and possibly limit the number of new news articles displayed.

The main menu, and sg guides blocks MUST stay.

While the site does seem slower, its not that bad relative to other websites upon initial loading. My homepage and previous both take similar amoutns of time to load as I’ve noticed some websites ebay, google load quickly; but lets not forget that these are HIGHLY commercial websites, whit much better servers then ours.