Re:Is there a word count limit here?

Forums General Sci Fi Original Science Fiction Is there a word count limit here? Re:Is there a word count limit here?


Well, thank you! Thank you! Those are some really great comments and feedback! I really appreciate it. Everyone made some very good points. ❗

Obviously I need to work on the formating for posting, on paper it’s easier to follow. And I will definately will take into consideration how a few of you want less dialogue, more description. (I’m easily seduced by conversation) 🙂

I’ll post more of the story when I get the chance!

Thanks again, that wasn’t as painful as I thought! 😉

PS – It doesn’t bother me at all about the profanity being bleeped, it’s contextual enough to understand.

PSS- Last night I got a rejection letter from The Black Gate mag, for a fantasy/modern fable, which although he didn’t accepted it, the editor wrote to say it was “well crafted and entertaining”

So thanks again, between your comments and last night’s letter this has been a great deal of encouragement. 😀