Posted 1st January 1970
by lizard
Re:jake 2.0
› Forums › General Sci Fi › Sci Fi Angst › jake 2.0 › Re:jake 2.0
17th October 2003 at 3:59 pm
Logan, please get a job writing for this show at once! In fact, on wednesday’s episode he did have to be re-booted. It wasn’t really explained why– a virus was mentioned in passing– but I am not sure that was the explaination. He had some computer-virus induced paranoid hallucinations (lots of potential here, but they were not really “trippy”).
Also the woman scientist in charge of being his doctor is of the “put- glasses-on-a-cute-chick and pretend she is ugly until she has to take them off and have a make over because she is going to a wedding and SURPRISE she is a cute chick”.
But really, the show isn’t all that bad.