Re:Lexx Cast at MegeCon again for 2004!!!
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You’re not the only one. While LEXX was still airing there were many cons that peeps attended primarily to meet up with other LEXX fans. I’ve been to lots of them and they are truly fantastic! the first ever con was one in Nottingham, England and it was attended by around 20 fans with no stars but peeps came from Germany, Sweden, England etc and had a great time!!!! [url=]See here for the write-up[/url].
It was such fun that I spent a fortune to organise a con in Moscow of all places (mainly because a LEXXian that I fancied was in Siberia and we agreed to meet-up half way between our houses (which turned out to be Moscow). The [url=]Moscow Heretics Ball[/url] was a complete blast (and I ended up proposing to the little siberian three days after I met her (Newkate). A few months later I was on a roll – I went to the first of the Halifax conventions, the [url=]Halifax Un-Convention[/url] which honestly blew my mind!
I’ve been lucky to have had the BEST fun at LEXXcons simply because I didn’t expect much except to meet the fans of the show. Even then was in the press and I remember being slightly embarrassed at telling a reporter that the main reason I had travelled so far was to meet other fans (not the stars) – [i]I read [url=]the article (in the Halifax Herald)[/url] while in the company of Brian Downey![/i]
Since then I’ve been to other (smaller) LEXXian gatherings – the most notable was my own wedding ([url=]a LEXXian wedding[/url] where I married the little siberian 🙂 in front of some of the LEXXians that I’d met at the cons only months before – some had come over from Sweden, the USA, Germany, Denmark and even London 😉
LEXX gatherings changed my life for the better and I recently thanked Paul Donovan and Lex Gigeroff by email for giving me the opportunity to meet such wonderful people (and I a, still meeting them! The lovely FX last year and Headgehog in January!).
However, I never expected to meet any of the cast of crew and was completely bowled over when I did. Brian Downey is a complete Diamond (as is Lex Gigeroff and Paul Donovan) I never met Xenia and only briefly met Michael M, but I much preferred to meet Cookie, Morrow, Sally, Tribs and Burnside and all the others – the fans of the show and my reason for going.
Personally, I think that the stars are more interested in meeting the fans of LEXX because they are so cool. I didn’t go with any expectations of the stars and wasn’t disappointed. I think I would have been if I’d have expected anything of them.