Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx New Michael McManus Fan board open to all Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all


What irks me is we have a simple tool!

<———Submit Links!

If you’re *new* to the site and are just interested in getting some hits on your site, feel free to use it! No one’s going to give you crap about that.

But if you want to use the boards to advertise, well you better dang well be contributing something you spent a lot of hard work on and is apropos to the subject matter we discuss here on

An example:

If you have a N.F.L site and you love Football great, so do I! But do you really think is the right place to advertise it if no one around here even knows who you are?

Put it in your Bio, or your sig. If people are interested they will visit. Hell, my Sysop at work had to remove permissions for our website because it was getting too many hits from here. And I don’t have a clue why anyone was interested in that, and it was in my Bio.

And if you’re around here long enough, feel free to mention your site if you think people might be interested in knowing more about you and your interests(within reason folks). Jhevz recently put up a fantastic site which has a lot of personal information, yet still has a great little section on Sci-Fi conventions (Sorry Jhevz for singling you out!) So not only was I treated to some great pictures of old conventions but I got to learn a little more about one of our contributors.

Posting it, or begging people to visit, or claiming your site is something that it isn’t is a quick way to piss me and others off around here. It’s not complicated, it’s about using some common sense and the way you approach people.