Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › New Michael McManus Fan board open to all › Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all
Well I suppose it all depends on who’s posting, I guess.
Others that are mods here also go to all the other sites and gleefully post their sites over and over and over again, even for the purposes of soliciting MONEY from loyal Lexx fans.
So since that’s the case, perhaps you can have a forum for those that want to advertise their sites, and form another rule that NO ONE is allowed to post ads for a site that’s not this one.
Perhaps the person advertising the site does post here on a regular basis, but has a different nick for that board for a reason.
If you don’t allow one person to do that, you shouldn’t allow anyone to do it. Just MHO.
I’m going back to lurking now, thank you.
(Now you know why I don’t post here more often)