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I thought the original Dune (have not seen much of the new ones) was better than the book, but I have spent so much time with refugees, immigrants and defectors that reading anything which requires its own dictionary is a little tedious.
Starship Troopers and Tank Girl come to mind as better on film, possibly because of their taste of self-parody.
Then there is the question of general appeal. Kenneth Branagh and Robert DeNiro’s Frankenstein I would say was more [i]appealing[/i] than the novel, but only because that penny-a-word 19th century style is sometimes a bit much even if you like that sort of thing. I don’t think it necessarily makes it better overall, but not worse. (Besides, anything with John Cleese in it is bound to be at least as good as the source material! 😉 )
(But I was surprised to find that someone was able to make reading the middle-English Beowulf more appealing than a movie version by attempting to put Christopher Lambert in a sci-fi version of it. Does he have to say “I cannot die” in everything now? 🙄 )