Re:Occult Cinema and TV
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Interesting topic…
“The Wicker Man”…I would have never known what this movie was about until I watched a ‘Top 100 Horror Movies of all time’ type show this past Halloween. It’s a 70’s flick (if I re-call) and it looked kinda low-budget but wow, the snipets I saw really had me wanting to see it. Unfortunately, the end was spoiled but it really doesn’t matter. Can’t wait to rent it but the spouse isn’t too keen on stuff like that. Guess I’ll have to wait till she’s outta town.
Anyone see “The Believers” from the mid ’80’s? I saw it as a kid and being raised Catholic, it really had an impact on me (i.e. it scared the hell out of me.) It’s interesting how Catholicism has meshed with “paganism” in the Carribean and elsewhere. I guess the word Voodoo comes to mind but I guess that may not be entirely precise. A Tex-Mex buddy of mine in High School once confessed to me that his mom used to put a chicken egg (in some sort of mini-shrine) under his bed. I guess it was for good luck or to keep evil spirits away 😯 If it keeps the boogey man away, then whatever floats your boat, man.