Re:Out of the (Sci-Fi) Closet?
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Bah you’re all like well-seasoned Benden wine…older than I am but not nearly as tart 😉 (Hah, tart, double-meaning!)
I never had a closet out of which to come.
Greasemonkey, bisexual, Trekker, sci-fi/fantasy geek, otaku…I was raised to be all but bi, and that one was like, oh-so-apparent (at least to my friends, hehe)…I’ve always sort of reveled in it…
…Though as a reasonably un-ugly femmegeek I do get some strange looks whenever I ask people where to get some gaming dice around these parts. “D-10’s? No one? Anyone? Any comic stores in the area? I’m looking for an Ultimate X-Men comic…”
^ ^ Ah, it’s nice to be the pretty once for once!!!
So yeah, I’m loud and proud…as I show up and VOLUNTEER for cons…I attend at least two to three a year…bah, FEMMEGEEKS UNITE!