Re:Sci-Fi Anonymous.
› Forums › Other Forums › The Pub › Sci-Fi Anonymous. › Re:Sci-Fi Anonymous.
Ohhhhhhh *rubs hands together* what a great thread.
I hate the ststereotypef the obobsessiveeeky science fiction. Now granted those do exist but they are in the same group as those same obobsessivesports fans that drink heavily, paint their bare chest’s and cheer their team on in the middle of winter. Yeah they are just “real” sports fans. Bull shit! The fact is every one has their own obssesion and some take it to far. Ok I’m getgettingf my soap box now.
As to why I love science fiction. I can’t remember where I read this quote but here it is “Science fiction is the only genre preparing us for tommotomorrowis able to stretch our imaginations to the limitless possipossibilities exist. Though this exploration we can see all our hopes, dreams and fears visulvisualizedhe most power ways.
“The Outer Limits” both old and recent has shown us the dangers and hope of science and technology. But ultimatultimatelyt soley asollyscience technology. At the heart of all science fiction is the human element.
In closeing closingscience fiction has helped to expand our ways of thinking at the quote about preparing us for the future is ever more important espcially in the 21st century.