Re:Shows NOT Sci-Fi
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I didn’t watch TV at all last night, it wasn’t even on. I think that is somekind of record for me. Unlike FG, I am used to having the TV on ALL the time, whether i am actually watching it or not.
Tonight is star drag night. We will see how the crew is getting on in their search for the Zindi (oh yeah this is a nonscifi thread!). Last week there were actual computer generated creatures, but they didn’t really blend in with the rest of the shots. Which made me think about Lexx, and how in S1-S3 there were so many FX components, that even though they might be cheaper than those of enterprise, the sheer number of them created a kind of pallette that ended up looking more consistent and therefore “real”.
I continue to be melted by all the scottish accents on Rebus. It’s absurd how sexy I find them! Why??? My ancestors obviously didn’t like the place else they wouldn’t have left—- (or maybe they were asked to leave). I also can’t figure why brits do a better job with murder mysteries.